Getting feedbacks - 19th May 2024

Are You Leveraging Manager and Senior Team Feedback to Improve?

Getting feedback, especially from your manager or senior teammates, is one of the best ways to improve.

But it’s hard to get good feedback; especially feedback that explicitly shares how you can operate at the next level.

That’s where this pro tip comes in.

Imagine you are asking your manager for feedback on how your recent project went.

Instead of asking:

❌ How do you think I could have done better?

You can ask:

✅ How could I have executed on this project at the senior level?

In the first approach, your manager has to try hard to filter all the possible feedback they could give and whether it’s worth sharing.

In the second example, they just need to focus on what they would expect from someone at the next level compared to how you did. If they have no feedback, that’s amazing! It’s a great sign you’re already on your way to the next level. If they have feedback, you now have actionable ways to work to the next level.

✅ “Thanks for the feedback around my performance! For each of these points, can you give me some clear examples of what I could do to satisfy each of requirements at a senior level?”

You can also ask for preemptive feedback this way too.

✅ Before starting on a project: What would senior-level execution on this project look like? I want to aim for that so I can continue growing and exceed expectations.

Here are two other ways you can use this strategy:

Asking for feedback this way creates clear expectations. You’ll know exactly what you need to do to operate at the next level.

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Read original post by Jordan Culter here - Communicate like a Senior: Use clear deltas

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