Story of Dwarve humans - Homo Floresiensis - 5th May 2024

Humans with maximum height of 1 metre & weighed not more than 20kgs

Home Floresiensis were humans (extinct humans) who used to live on small island of Indonesia called Flores. These humans first reached Flores when the sea level was extremely low & the island was easily accessible from the mainland.

When the seas rose again, some humans was trapped on the island, which was poor in resources due to flood. Big & mascular people who needed a lot of food, died first. Smaller fellows survived much better.

Over the generations people of Flores became dwarves. This unique specie reached a maximum height of one metre and weighed not more than twenty-five kilograms.

Considering the example of Home Floresiensis, what if we in 21st century face a similar condition?

We humans will first die compared to other species on earth. (Think)

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