Picture Perfect Places - Solution to problems? - 4th May 2024

The false belief that picture perfect place will solve all your problems

I often hear people saying, “Let’s go to mountains, beaches, forests and eventually all of our stress/ problems will go away”. While the statement is not false, but not absolutely correct. We tend to overestimate ourselves & our problems. While travelling helps you explore more aspects of life & flush all the problems that are in head, but it is not the solution to the problems.

How I find solutions to my life problems?
     1. Sit idle
     2. Breathe in, Breathe out (Get calmer)
     3. Write down the problem (on a notebook or on your laptop) - Identify Problem
     4. Write down all the solutions that comes to the mind (rational & unbiased)
     5. Eliminate the solutions which does not solve the problem or which are not feasible
     6. I mostly find a solution which works for me

Although, I too get stressed when in problems, I try to stick to the above process while figuring out solutions.

Avoiding Problems ≠ Solution to Problems

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